13 Jan 5 Benefits of Meditation in your daily life
The modern thinking of Guruji at Gurudham lays greater emphasis on preventive measures rather than post operative measures to enhance the quality of life. Everyone of us and specially persons working in high demanding job surroundings or pressuring environment have a very hectic life. The conditions one is surrounded by keep the wheel spinning and do not allow us to slow down. We also do not share our concerns to others due to fear of failing and usually end up getting stress and anxiety which slowly gives several problems in our life. Meditation techniques specially developed by us, if performed regularly, take care of these problems and enhance the quality of our life. The following blog articles wants to point what benefits regular meditation offers you
Benefit 1: Meditation reduces Stress (work, family etc) We have to understand stress and the root causes for having it to understand how meditation help us eliminate the root causes and hence the stress. It is a feeling of emotional or physical tensions and is our body’s reaction to a challenge or demand. It is caused due to fear of failing which brings depression, anxiety,anger, guilt, grief and put us in low self esteem and finally giving us stress. The visible causes for the fear are divorce (failing in marriage), loosing jobs ( non performance at work), financial obligations, changing homes and getting a suitable life partners etc. Meditation calms the mind and all the nerves of our body by relaxing them and reduces notably cortisol hormones in our body which are responsible for the stress in our body and mind. The breathing patterns provided by us when performed during the meditation makes us inhale live energy with every breath and exhale negative energy (stress and fears). We tend to become carefree and gains self confidence that we will be able to complete the works assigned to us. Our capacity to love the universe, nature, human, pets also increases notably due to reduction in cortisol due to meditation. The concntration becomes stronger and unidirectional and hence we tend to take singular work at a time and complete it successfully instead of multitasking and not being able to complete it. The multi tasking gets divided into several singular tasks and we are able to complete them successfully one by one and hence reduces the tension and stress. because mind is working at so many places, worrying a lot, so the person is not able to do what she wants to do. You try to bring your mind to an unidirectional, uni dimensional state. That state enables us to concentrate on one work at a time and successfully able to complete it. Your every spinning mind becomes calm and you will be able to sort your thoughts and goals again.
Benefit 2: Meditation brings peace Peace is a concept of harmony in the absence of hostility and violence and is first achieved inside of us and then it reflects outside. Meditation makes our mind calm and starts the journey with in and brings truthfulness (Satya), non possessiveness (Aparigraha), non covetousness (Asteya), non violence (Ahimsa), and sexual self restraint (Brahmacharya). There does not remain any need to fight and prove ourselves superior or inferior. Mind changes from achieving success to achieving satisfaction taking us away from the rat race. We become satisfied in what we have and that brings peace within us and outside of us.
By meditation our mind becomes calm and quiet and the body gets relaxed and recharge. Body gets relaxed because you are sitting in a position, not doing hard work relaxing deep breath also relaxest he body and deep breathe is part of meditation. It brings peace in mind and peace in our body. Real meditation is like sleep which recharges body and mind.
Benefit 3: Meditation enhances self awareness Self awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals. Meditation takes us inside and we get to know more about us, our capabilities and in-capabilities called as strength and weaknesses. Success with satisfaction is achieved when we work in our strength area and unsatisfactory success and failure occur when we unknowingly focus during the day on our weakness area, for example by engaging in too much negative self-talk.
Benefit 4: Mediation helps fighting addictions The most addictions starts when we are in anxiety, fear, depression or experimentation and interestingly we have no idea that we will get addicted to what we are starting. It becomes so afterwards and it becomes difficult to quit despite trying a lot. Meditation along with therapist and medicines can help a person to be in calm, unanexious, fear free again making the urge less than before to take addiction.We get so relaxed by doing continuous meditation and breathing exercises that outside assistance of addiction becomes not needed.
Becomes mind becomes mind and relax so urge for addictions becomes lower if you want to leave addictions 30 mins of meditations is recommend maybe a year. Benefit 5: Meditation lengthens attention span Attention is the capacity to act or state of applying our mind to anything and is higher when our mind is calm. Meditation makes our mind calm and hence enhances the attention span. We develop the capacity to watch, listen and observe more accurately and store the information positively for analyzing them immediately or at later stage. We were able to help a lot of people improving their grades in school/university or increasing their attention spanes by implying the meditation techniques to improve the brains ability to observe information through those processes. When the mind becomes calmer and quiet, the ability to be at one place and focus on one thing becomes higher and possibility of another person, someone telling you something you are reading something you are learning something your attention is higher
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