Powerful Rituals

How Rituals Work

As Einstein noticed years ago in the quantum physics, everything is energy – in a dense or less dense state. It can happen that the energy in our life gets out of its balance or that we need a special, energetic boost from the divine source to bring a new direction into our lives.


Persons seeking for help approach Guru Bhaneshwaranand for different enquiries. Some just want a happier and easier life, others look for financial security, a harmonious relationship or healthy children. In order to fulfill these wishes, Tantric rituals (in Hindi called Sadhnas) are held. But what are these and what do they do?


Rituals are very intense prayers under the care of an enlightened person, who provides himself as a medium for the divine source or source power and who are focused on a specific goal. Through the connection to the divine source, the energy of enlightened beings grows enormously, so that automatically doors open, which make the fulfillment of our wishes possible. There are many rituals for many different needs. Please use the chance to browse through our offers and see if a ritual would be of help in your life

More Manifestation Truths

Want to know more wisdom about traditional fire rituals and how they manifest wishes? Life on earth is made of five basic substances, namely Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space (also called Ether). Our human form is a sustainer by all five of these elements.


Next to energy that exists of Air, Fire and Ether, there is a consciousness, which is only made of one element – Space (or Ether). This consciousness is called by many as “Source,” the supreme or all-encompassing consciousness God.


In order to employ the help of energy in the desired direction, an enlightened master is needed. By transcending the boundaries of the physical, he can connect to and employ the three elemental light beings to create a bridge between the human realm and the realm of Source, thereby causing the beneficiary of the ceremony to be showered with cosmic blessings and wish-fulfillment. The ceremony always directly benefits the person (and their family) on whose behalf it is being performed
