Vedic Astrology is more precise than other astrologies. We can advise you in depth and more clearly than other astrologies about things as your personality, first impressions, leadership or new initiatives visible in your first house. Your income, overall money, or self-esteem as traceable in the second house, performance in educational systems and schools, teachers and community affairs in the third house, as well as your relationship with your mother, children or your own mothering abilities and nurturing capabilities in the fourth house. Furthermore the fifth house shows predispositions in self-expression, drama, creativity, attention or romance, the sixth house exposes diseases or whether or not you have strong enemies in this life. The seventh house represents constellations towards your life partner, business partnerships or contracts, and the 8th house shows death or sexual power (8th house) and also the nineth house reveals a lot of information about many things as your higher mind, your inspiration, optimism level, luck, risks, adventures, or morals and ethics. Finally, the tenth house points out your public image, fame, honors, achievements or fatherhood, the eleventh house shows your predispostion for spirituality and the twelth house can show expenses or imprisonment.